get blue tick on facebook profile

8 Steps to Get a Blue Tick on a Facebook Profile

A Blue Tick on Facebook is a verification badge that indicates the authenticity of a profile or page. It serves as a mark of credibility, showing users that the profile or page belongs to a genuine public figure, celebrity, brand, or organization. Having a verified profile is important for several reasons. Firstly, it builds trust among followers and fans, ensuring them that they are interacting with the real entity and not an impersonator. 

Secondly, it enhances the profile or page’s visibility and credibility on the platform, making it more likely to attract a larger audience and gain more engagement. Lastly, a verified profile gives the owner access to special features and insights provided by Facebook, allowing for better management and optimization of their online presence. Overall, a Blue Tick symbolizes authenticity and professionalism, playing a crucial role in establishing a reputable and influential online presence.

Facebook Verification

Facebook verification is a rigorous process implemented by the platform to confirm the authenticity of profiles, pages, or accounts. Upon successful verification, a Blue Tick badge is awarded, which serves as a prominent symbol of credibility and authenticity.

Purpose of Facebook Verification

The primary objective of Facebook verification is to protect users from interacting with fake accounts or imposters. By verifying profiles and pages, Facebook ensures that users are engaging with genuine public figures, celebrities, brands, or organizations. This helps in maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of the platform.

Criteria for Facebook Verification

To be eligible for Facebook verification, users typically need to meet specific criteria established by the platform. These criteria may include:

  • Maintaining a professional and active presence on the platform
  • Providing accurate and up-to-date information
  • Submitting necessary documentation to verify identity or ownership

Benefits of Facebook Verification

Achieving verification status on Facebook offers numerous benefits, including.

  • Enhanced Trust and Credibility: The Blue Tick badge boosts confidence among followers and fans, assuring them of the profile or page’s authenticity.
  • Increased Visibility and Engagement: Verified profiles and pages often attract a larger audience, leading to higher engagement rates and greater reach.
  • Access to Special Features: Verified entities gain access to exclusive features, insights, and analytics provided by Facebook, enabling better management and optimization of their online presence.

Preparation Before Applying for Verification

Before initiating the Facebook verification process, it is essential to undertake thorough preparation to enhance the chances of approval.

Optimize Profile or Page

  • Complete Information: Ensure that all profile or page details, including bio, website, and contact information, are accurate and up-to-date.
  • High-Quality Content: Regularly post engaging and relevant content to demonstrate an active and authentic online presence.
  • Professional Appearance: Use high-resolution profile and cover photos that reflect the brand or individual’s identity effectively.

Gather Necessary Documentation

  • Proof of Identity: Prepare official documents, such as a government-issued ID or passport, to verify your identity.
  • Proof of Authenticity: Collect documents that validate the legitimacy of your business, organization, or public figure status, such as articles of incorporation, press mentions, or awards.

Build a Strong Online Presence

  • Consistent Branding: Maintain consistent branding across all social media platforms and websites to establish a recognizable and cohesive online identity.
  • Engage with Followers: Actively interact with followers by responding to comments, messages, and inquiries to foster a loyal and engaged community.
  • Networking with Verified Accounts: Establish connections with other verified accounts within your industry or niche to enhance credibility and visibility.

Review Facebook’s Verification Guidelines

  • Understand Criteria: Familiarize yourself with Facebook’s specific verification criteria to ensure that your profile or page aligns with the platform’s requirements.
  • Follow Rules and Policies: Adhere to Facebook’s community standards, terms of service, and verification guidelines to avoid any potential issues or disqualifications during the verification process.

Prepare a Compelling Verification Request

  • Craft a Persuasive Statement: Write a concise and compelling statement explaining why your profile or page should be verified, highlighting your achievements, contributions, or unique selling points.
  • Organize Supporting Materials: Compile all relevant documents, screenshots, or media coverage that can substantiate your verification request and demonstrate your authenticity and significance.

Step-by-Step Guide to Apply for Verification

Applying for verification on Facebook involves a structured process that requires careful attention to detail and adherence to the platform’s guidelines.

Step# 1 Ensure Eligibility

Before proceeding with the verification application, confirm that your profile or page meets Facebook’s criteria for verification. Typically, Facebook verifies public figures, celebrities, brands, and organizations with a significant presence on the platform.

Step# 2 Prepare Required Documentation

Gather all necessary documents to support your verification request, such as:

  • Proof of Identity: Government-issued ID, passport, or official business documents.
  • Proof of Authenticity: Articles of incorporation, press mentions, awards, or any other documents that validate your status as a public figure, celebrity, brand, or organization.

Step# 3 Access Verification Request Form

Log in to your Facebook account and navigate to the verification request form, which can usually be found within the platform’s settings or help center.

Step# 4 Complete the Verification Request Form

Fill out the verification request form accurately and comprehensively, providing all requested information, including:

Full Name (for individuals) or Full Business/Organization Name

Category (e.g., News/Media, Sports, Government, Entertainment)

Contact Information

Additional Details or Explanation (optional)

Step# 5 Upload Supporting Documents

Upload the prepared documentation to substantiate your verification request. Ensure that the documents are clear, legible, and relevant to the information provided in the verification form.

Step# 6 Review and Submit the Application

Carefully review all the information and documents submitted to ensure accuracy and completeness. Once satisfied, submit the verification application for review by Facebook’s verification team.

Step# 7 Wait for Approval or Feedback

After submitting the verification request, patiently wait for Facebook’s response. The review process may take several days to weeks, depending on the volume of requests and the thoroughness of the verification team’s evaluation.

Step# 8 Follow Up if Necessary

If your verification request is denied or additional information is required, follow up with Facebook’s support team to address any concerns or rectify any issues promptly.

Tips for Increasing Your Chances of Getting Verified

Securing a Blue Tick verification badge on Facebook is a coveted achievement that can significantly enhance your profile or page’s credibility, visibility, and authenticity.

Build a Strong and Active Online Presence

Maintaining a consistent and engaging online presence is crucial for increasing your chances of Facebook verification. Ensure that your branding is uniform across all social media platforms by using the same profile picture, cover photo, and bio. 

Regularly post high-quality photos, videos, and updates that resonate with your audience to keep them engaged and interested in your content. Additionally, make it a priority to interact with your followers by responding to comments, messages, and queries promptly. Creating a loyal and engaged community can significantly boost your credibility and appeal to Facebook’s verification team.

Optimize Your Facebook Profile or Page

A well-optimized Facebook profile or page is essential for demonstrating professionalism and authenticity to Facebook’s verification team. Fill out all sections of your profile or page, including the bio, website, and contact details, accurately and comprehensively. 

Utilize clear and professional images for your profile picture and cover photo to create a visually appealing and cohesive online presence. By presenting a well-maintained and complete profile or page, you can enhance your chances of impressing Facebook’s verification team and obtaining the coveted Blue Tick badge.

Establish a Positive Reputation and Network

Building a positive reputation and networking with other reputable accounts and organizations can significantly enhance your credibility and visibility on Facebook. Uphold ethical standards, avoid controversies, and handle any issues or disputes professionally to maintain a positive public image. 

Actively seek opportunities to connect and collaborate with other verified accounts, industry influencers, and recognized organizations within your niche or industry. By establishing a strong network and reputation, you can demonstrate your significance and legitimacy to Facebook’s verification team, increasing your chances of getting verified.

Prepare and Gather Necessary Documentation

Preparing and gathering the necessary documentation to support your verification request is a critical step in increasing your chances of Facebook verification. Have a government-issued ID or passport ready to verify your identity accurately. 

Collect any relevant documents, such as articles of incorporation, press mentions, awards, or collaborations with recognized entities, to validate your authenticity and significance. By submitting comprehensive and verifiable documentation, you can strengthen your verification request and demonstrate your legitimacy and importance to Facebook’s verification team effectively.

Adhere to Facebook’s Guidelines and Policies

Adhering to Facebook’s community standards, terms of service, and verification guidelines is essential for demonstrating professionalism and compliance to the platform’s rules and regulations. Familiarize yourself with Facebook’s guidelines and policies to ensure that your content and interactions align with the platform’s expectations. 

Avoid engaging in deceptive practices, such as buying followers or engagement, as these actions can harm your credibility and eligibility for verification. By maintaining authenticity and adhering to Facebook’s guidelines and policies, you can enhance your profile or page’s appeal to Facebook’s verification team and improve your chances of obtaining the coveted Blue Tick badge.

What to Do if Your Verification Request is Denied

Receiving a denial for your Facebook verification request can be disappointing, but it doesn’t necessarily mean the end of your efforts.

Understand the Reasons for Denial

Upon receiving a denial for your Facebook verification request, it is essential to carefully read and analyze the notification or feedback provided by Facebook. Pay close attention to the specific reasons or criteria that were not met, and any issues or concerns raised by the verification team. Understanding the exact reasons for the denial is crucial as it will guide you in addressing the identified issues effectively and making the necessary improvements to your profile or page.

Address the Identified Issues

After identifying the specific reasons or criteria that led to the denial of your verification request, take proactive steps to address and rectify these issues promptly. Start by reviewing and updating any inaccuracies or inconsistencies in your profile or page information, such as contact details, bio, or website. Ensure that all information provided is accurate, up-to-date, and reflects your genuine identity or the identity of your business, brand, or organization.

Next, focus on optimizing your profile or page content, visuals, and branding to ensure a professional and cohesive online presence. Update your profile picture, cover photo, and other visuals to high-quality images that accurately represent your brand or individual identity effectively. Additionally, remove or revise any content, posts, or media that may violate Facebook’s community standards, terms of service, or verification guidelines to avoid any potential issues or disqualifications in the future.

Improve Your Online Presence and Engagement

To enhance your chances of getting verified on Facebook, it is crucial to increase your activity and engagement on your profile or page. Commit to posting regularly with high-quality, relevant, and engaging content that resonates with your target audience and showcases your authenticity and expertise. Encourage interaction and communication with your followers by responding to comments, messages, and queries promptly and professionally, fostering a loyal and engaged community around your profile or page.

In addition to enhancing your content and engagement, focus on networking and collaborating with other reputable accounts, influencers, and organizations within your industry or niche. Building strong connections and relationships with other verified or influential entities can significantly boost your credibility, visibility, and appeal to Facebook’s verification team, increasing your chances of successfully obtaining the coveted Blue Tick badge.

Gather Additional Supporting Documentation

To strengthen your verification request and demonstrate your authenticity, legitimacy, and significance to Facebook’s verification team, collect and prepare additional verifiable documents and evidence. Gather articles of incorporation, press mentions, awards, certificates, or collaborations with recognized entities that validate your identity, achievements, and contributions. Ensure that all documents are clear, legible, and relevant to the information provided in your verification application, presenting a compelling and convincing case for your verification.

Reapply After Making Necessary Changes

After making the necessary improvements, addressing the identified issues, and gathering additional supporting documentation, wait for an appropriate period, usually 30 days or more, before reapplying for verification. This waiting period allows sufficient time for implementing improvements, demonstrating consistency, and building a stronger online presence and reputation.

Once the waiting period has elapsed, access the verification request form again through Facebook’s settings or help center and submit a new application with updated and improved information, content, visuals, and additional supporting documentation. Write a concise, clear, and compelling statement explaining the improvements made, addressing the previous issues, and highlighting your significance, authenticity, and credibility to strengthen your case for verification and increase your chances of obtaining the coveted Blue Tick badge from Facebook.

Maintaining Verified Status

Maintaining a verified status on Facebook is as important as obtaining it initially. It signifies ongoing authenticity, trustworthiness, and relevance to the platform.

Adhere to Facebook’s Community Standards and Policies

Consistently adhere to Facebook’s community standards, terms of service, and verification guidelines to maintain a positive reputation and compliance with the platform’s rules and regulations. Avoid posting content that violates Facebook’s guidelines, including hate speech, harassment, misinformation, or any other prohibited content, as it can jeopardize your verified status and lead to account restrictions or deverification.

Regularly Update Profile Information and Content

Keep your profile or page information, including bio, contact details, and website, accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to reflect any changes or developments in your identity, business, brand, or organization. Regularly update and refresh your content by posting high-quality, relevant, and engaging posts, photos, videos, and stories that resonate with your audience and maintain their interest and engagement.

Engage with Your Audience and Foster Community

Maintain active and meaningful engagement with your audience by responding to comments, messages, and queries promptly and professionally. Encourage interaction, communication, and participation from your followers by creating and participating in discussions, polls, and live sessions to foster a loyal, engaged, and supportive community around your profile or page.

Collaborate and Network with Verified Accounts and Influencers

Continue to build and strengthen your network by collaborating and partnering with other verified accounts, influencers, and reputable organizations within your industry or niche. Engage in cross-promotions, partnerships, and collaborations to expand your reach, visibility, and credibility on the platform and enhance your profile or page’s appeal and significance to Facebook’s verification team.

Monitor and Maintain High-Quality Performance Metrics

Regularly monitor and analyze key performance metrics, including engagement rate, follower growth, content reach, and audience demographics, to assess your profile or page’s performance and identify areas for improvement and optimization. Adjust and refine your content strategy, posting schedule, and engagement tactics based on data-driven insights to maintain and enhance your online presence, visibility, and appeal to Facebook’s verification team.

Stay Active and Consistent

Consistently maintain an active and consistent presence on Facebook by posting regularly, engaging with trending topics, participating in relevant conversations, and keeping your audience informed and entertained with fresh, valuable, and relevant content. Demonstrate your ongoing commitment, dedication, and involvement in your field or industry to reinforce your significance, authenticity, and credibility to Facebook’s verification team and ensure the continued maintenance of your verified status.


Can I pay to get verified on Facebook?

No, Facebook does not accept payment or offer paid services to guarantee or expedite the verification process. Verification is based on authenticity, significance, and adherence to the platform’s guidelines and criteria.

Is there a specific number of followers required for Facebook verification?

While having a significant following can strengthen your verification application, there is no specific number of followers required for Facebook verification. The platform considers various factors, including authenticity, relevance, and impact, rather than solely focusing on the number of followers.

Can I appeal if my verification request is denied multiple times?

Yes, you can appeal if your verification request is denied multiple times. However, it is crucial to address the reasons for denial, make necessary improvements, and strengthen your application before reapplying or appealing to enhance your chances of approval.

Will changing my profile or page name affect my verification status?

Changing your profile or page name can impact your verification status as it may require reevaluation by Facebook’s verification team. It is advisable to maintain consistency in your name, branding, and identity to avoid potential issues or complications with your verification status.

Can I lose my verified status once it is granted?

Yes, you can lose your verified status on Facebook if you violate the platform’s community standards, terms of service, or verification guidelines, or if your profile or page no longer meets the criteria for verification. It is essential to maintain compliance, professionalism, and authenticity to retain your verified status.


Getting a Blue Tick on your Facebook profile is a big deal. It shows you’re authentic and trustworthy. To increase your chances, make sure your profile looks professional and genuine. Engage with your followers by posting regularly and responding to comments.

Remember to follow Facebook’s rules and guidelines. Be patient and persistent. It might take some time, but with effort and consistency, you can achieve that Blue Tick badge. Getting verified is not just a status symbol; it builds trust and credibility with your audience. So, focus on building a strong and real presence on Facebook, and you’ll soon earn that coveted Blue Tick verification badge.

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